The 750-megabyte

has been developed from this website.
It has over 4,000 photographs
of which
over 1,000 are high-resolution.

There is also a section on the 'High' crosses, which is not included on these pages.

It is the most comprehensive illustrated guide to megalithic Ireland
ever published in any medium.







read reviews




It costs only £7.50 plus postage.

To purchase it
by credit-card

order CD-ROM by credit-card
to order securely

via an affiliated website


or e-mail me

to download from

for only UK£5, 5 euros or $7.50
(not suitable for iPads or smartphones)

and pay by PayPal



The CD is in html format, and includes the expanded Gazetteer,
and all the descriptive texts, including Sweathouses, Phallic stones,
Standing-stones, Cross-pillars, and (as a bonus) mediæval sheela-na-gigs -
with extra maps, more and larger pictures...  
Fourknocks Passage-tomb Fourknocks Passage-tomb
Fourknocks Passage-tomb Fourknocks Passage-tomb Fourknocks Passage-tomb
...PLUS a 2.5 MB section on Enigmas of the Irish Crosses not included in this website.  

Enigmas of the Irish Crosses Enigmas of the Irish Crosses  
ISBN 0 9520451 7 6  
final version 2021  

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"The layout and interface are definitely the best of their kind that I've seen -
plus a huge amount of informative text - which is usually where CD-ROMs fail."

- Neil Mortimer, editor of 3rd Stone archæological magazine



"I just wanted to let you know that the CD-ROM arrived in my mail this morning,
and I am more than satisfied with it.
I've already whiled away a full morning browsing through it
and can see myself spending substantial amounts of time making a more careful journey through it.
It's no exaggeration for me to say that I have been waiting for such an overview of the megaliths of Ireland all my life.

"Needless to say your CD was worth getting for the beautiful photos of the megaliths alone,
and having your easy to read text is a massive bonus."

Chris M., September 2010





"A glorious, panoramic introduction to the ancient treasures of Ireland's landscape."

- Brian Williams, Visiting Professor of Archæology, the University of Ulster





Hello Anthony!
I am eagerly anticipating the arrival of the cd-rom. (I will be content to wait now that its in the tender care of the Royal Mail ;-)
The website is excellent so I am really looking forward to having the cd.
I every so often go out on my own fairly restricted "dolmen expeditions".
When I was a child my late father used to take me around all the ancient sites,
and this has left me with a lifelong sense of wonderment about them.
I am hoping that having the cd-rom will to add to my meagre knowledge -
and maybe encourage me to seek out sites further afield. Keep up the good work
Kind Regards




"This CD is not just a copy of the IrishGenius website, but much more.
Beautifully presented and full of detail I think that it should be on everybody's shopping list.
The cover image alone makes you want to (1) go and find the stone detailed
and (2) put the CD straight in your computer to find out more.

The CD is in HTML format and uses the same format and elegant design that the web site uses,
and the overall quality and presentation are superb.

As well as covering Irish megalithic sites this CD goes far beyond and provides information on cross pillars,
ogam stones, bullauns and sweathouses from across Ireland.
For a bigger bonus it also details many little-known French megalithic sites outside of Brittany
as well as medieval Christian carving.

Do not, however, think that this CD is spread too thinly because it incorporates so many subjects:
each one is covered very well.

It is essential to anyone planning site visits in Ireland."

- Four Winds,




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"The pictures alone would make this worth having.
With the gazetteer, the essays and the hints for your next French holiday
it's definitely a must for your collection."

- Thaddeus C. Breen's Irish Archæology website

(click for full review)


from happy purchasers:

"Thank you very much for the CD on Megalithic Ireland. It is truly wonderful!
While it is not the same as being there in person, it is the next best thing.

Thank you again for all your work and research.


J-A O'B"



"We have just received the Megalithic Ireland CD ROM and are absolutely delighted with it.
The pictures old and new are excellent and the narrative is both informative and interesting.

I have already spent a few hours learing about Court tombs, 'Satan in the Groin' and Sweathouses
(which I found very intriguing) but still have plenty to explore.

Thank you for a most educational and entertaining product.

Kind Regards
Gill & Mick Neeve"



'I received the CD-ROM today. I started
looking through it, and what an amazing resource! It's so comprehensive.
So thanks for putting it out there. I can't wait to see some of the sites
when I get to Ireland.'

John O'Hagan, New York



'I received your "Megalithic Ireland" CD-ROM today.
I must say it is a WONDERFUL CD:
very well done! It will take me quite a while to study it all:
time to be very much enjoyed and well-spent.'

Trish Lewis, North Dakota



Dear Anthony,

Just a quick thank you......

The Megalithic Ireland CD/ROM arrived a couple days ago. It's truly great, a labor of love. Makes me realize how Mary and I have only
scratched the surface in our journeys among the stones.
"So many stones, so little time."
Again, thanks.

Yours truly,

Howard McCoy, Maryland.



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For those who are principally interested in sheela-na-gigs, male exhibitionist and other grotesque medieval sculptures
a specially-customized version is available.

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