Bretteville (Manche)
L'aire de stationnement devant cette allée-coudée splendide
nous fournit d'une vue impressionante.
Elle se trouve à coté de la D.320 au Theil, et est marquée
sur la carte Michelin.
This fine allée-coudée or passage-tomb
by the side of a narrow, steep and twisting rural road
(D.320 to Le Theil, marked on the Michelin map of Normandy)
has a fine parking area which offers a fine side-on view of the monument.
Prise d'une aubépine convéniente, une belle vue du sud-ouest.
Another view (from the SW) taken from a nearby hawthorn-bush.
A remarquer: la dalle-porte avec une face de quartzite.
Note the doorstone (bottom right) which is faced with quartzite.
Vue du sud-est, la tombe et ma camionnette de déménagement
de l'Irlande du Nord en France.
Another view taken from the SE side of the tomb, and showing also the van in
which I moved furniture, plants etc.
from Ireland to Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val.
For more monuments visited in a heavily-laden van in September
(after buying several cases of my regular Gris Fumé at Beaulieu-sur-Layon)
click here.