up on the vista-rich watershed
between the beautiful rivers Lot and Célé,
a rough-hewn monolithic limestone cross stands a few metres
from a dolmen on the Pilgrim Road from Figeac and the shrines
of Western Auvergne to Santiago de Compostela. This is one of
the most poetic dolmens of France.

click for more pictures
Dolmen de Pégouriés
or de Pech Laglaire, Gréalou
On another causse,
not far away to the West, is another well-exposed tomb,
with a large long cairn, looking very like a tomb of the Irish
limestone uplands.

click for more pictures
Dolmen de Pieyro Clabado, Larnagol (Lot)
But many of the tombs on the limestone plateaux lurk - well-camouflaged
by moss or lichen -
in the open, primeval woodland of oak, sweet chestnut and juniper
which covers thousands of square miles.

de Parra, Limogne (Lot) with its mossy roofstones. 

Dolmen de Parra seen from the

Dolmen de Joncas, Limogne (Lot) 

Another mossy "box-dolmen" at Rastouillet, Limogne

Dolmen de Pech Linar (Quatre Routes),
Saint-Jean-de-Laur (Lot) 
click to enlarge
Dolmen du Lac d'Aurié,
Limogne (Lot) whose roof-slab weighs 18 tonnes.

click for more
The dolmens around Livernon
in the Lot tend to have enormous roof-stones. That of the Dolmen
de la Pierre-Martine (broken and now supported on two concrete
pillars) is seven metres long and weighs some 20 tonnes. 
The quarry from which these slabs were extracted
is nearby.
A better-preserved
and almost as large example (with chamfered semi-porthole and
natural perforations in the massive side-stones) is at Roux.
Dolmen de Roux, Livernon

click for a (high-resolution)
detail of this tomb
Dolmen du Sac de Cuzer, Reyrevignes
Another dolmen at Reyrevignes (Lot) 

Dolmen du Rat, Saint-Sulpice (Lot)

to see the roofstone which may have been artificially enhanced
Natural or artificial ? Or a bit of both
The capstone of the dolmen du Mas d'Artillou, Grèzes(Lot).

Dolmen de Custalou, Grèzes

another (high-resolution)
view of this tomb
Dolmen de la Métairie-Haute,
Saint-Sulpice (Lot)
whose roofstone is estimated to weigh 20 tonnes. 

Dolmen de l'Igue de Planagrèze,
Caniac du Causseretour (Lot) 

The impressive remains of the dolmen des
Ginouillac, Saint-Projet (Lot) 

click for more pictures
Here is a photo of a prehistoric quarry not far from Livernon.

really, almost anywhere on the Causses would have provided
fine slabs for dolmens or for menhirs...

of course are not absent either from the département
of the Aveyron
(such as this fine menhir, 3 metres tall, right beside the D.2
road at the hamlet of Sermels,
to the south of Séverac-le-Château)...
from the département of the Lot.
The tallest of these is the Menhir de Belinac, near Livernon,
which stands (or, rather, leans) at a height of 3.5 metres.

click for more
But the most interesting and beautiful
is beneath modern power-lines
some 2 km SW of Saint-Vincent Rive d'Olt.

click for more
A handsome stone now featuring as a fountain in the village
of Fourmagnac (Lot) could well be an adapted standing-stone...

In the West of the neighbouring département to
the east (Aveyron), there are several dolmens of similar appearance
- including one, very rare, surviving intact (virgo intacta!)
and almost invisible in a wood, buried in its cairn. The tops
of three roofstones are, however, a give-away to the keen dolmen-hunter!

click to
Foissac (Aveyron)
On the other hand - as already
indicated, some tombs have been partially-reconstructed with
the aid of concrete. In the case of the Dolmen de Vaour the
concrete has been replaced recently with machined stone supports.

Vaour (Tarn)
Detail of underside of broken, re-erected capstone

Vaour (Tarn)
Chamfered «semi-porthole » which is a feature of
many dolmens of the Causses 

Where the Western Causses descend into the plain which divides
them from the Pyrenees lie less-box-like tombs such as Le
Tombeau du Géant (The Giant's Grave) near Saint-Cirq

more (high-resolution) photos of this tomb
or the Dolmen de Saint-Pierre at Sainte-Cécile-du
Cayrou, Verdier (Tarn)...

for more
...not far from which, on the other side of the village, is
a large limestone slab, le Menhir de Sainte-Carissime,
some 2.5 metres high and wide, but only half a metre thick,
close to a little tree-lined tributary of the river Aveyron
- which may be the remnant of a huge dolmen.

for more
départements of the Tarn and the Aveyron feature the
curious megaliths known as Statues-Menhirs, many
of which have now been preserved under cover, notably at the
Fenaille at Rodez.

one curious and atypical example survives by the roadside at
La Croix-Salvetat (Tarn).

to enlarge
looks as if it might be a prehistoric, anthropomorphic menhir
(forerunner of the statues-menhirs ?) Christianised much
later with a crudely-incised cross. On the other hand, it might
be a Christian monument, recalling the Irish "face-crosses"
and, in particular, the anthropomorphic cross on the rock-monastery
of Skellig Michael
in county Kerry.
On a wooded causse near Prayssac
in the département of the Lot above the river
are several megalithic tombs, which can be seen along a "Dolmen
Trail" that also includes several gariottes
or corbelled stone huts. One of the former is a typical box-dolmen.

before you come to it on the trail you pass a megalithic complex
which is marked Chaos on the trail, but Menhirs
on the map. The complex is neither standing-stones nor chaos,
but the amazing remains of three cyclopean tombs known as Los
Tres Peyres (Les Trois Pierres), whose salient features
are three up-ended capstones some four metres high and broad
- which may never have covered the violently disturbed tombs
behind them, or which may have been up-ended by a heroic act
of vandalism such as occurred at Ballynoe (county Down)
in Ireland. These tombs are quite different from others on the
causses - and indeed from any I have seen elsewhere.
a fine allée-couverte
more recently wrecked >
here to see a group of monuments around Arras
in the Pas-de-Calais
Click here to visit
two of the most imposing tombs in Languedoc-Roussillon.

approximate dolmen and menhir statistics
in départements of Languedoc and Roussillon
(by courtesy of Bruno Marc):
550 dolmens, 150 menhirs
Gard: 300 dolmens,
300 menhirs
Lozère: 400-500 dolmens,
300 menhirs
Ardèche: 750
Tarn: 50 dolmens, over 100 menhirs,
60 statue-menhirs
from: 3500 to 2500 BCE (with frequent later
and menhirs
in Lozère
on another website.

published April 2011
For a neat, well-illustrated itinerary-
Guide to megaliths
on the limestone plateaux, see

menhirs et dolmens des
Causses et du Haut-Languedoc'
by Bruno Marc
Les Presses du Languedoc
(Patrimoine Archéologique)
ISBN 2859982256 - price 16,77 euros
and available through
de l'Ardèche (2001)
et menhirs des Cévennes (2003)