A pair of well-preserved and neighbouring tombs at Croaghbeg and Shalwy (in foreground), county Donegal,
during excavation.

G 646 750 - Sheet 10

Nearest village: Kilcar
Nearest town: Killybegs


The farther tomb (Croaghbeg) had a subsidiary single-chamber tomb or kist built in its full forecourt,
which can be better seen farther down the page.
The door-slab of the nearer tomb lies inside the first chamber of the gallery, which is entered through an impressive doorway with a gabled double-lintel.
These tombs command fine views - in this case of the sea and counties Sligo and Mayo to the south -
and both have cyclopean façades and galleries.



The same tombs almost thirty years later, surrounded by winter bracken - and with a depressing and intrusive modern 'development'.

photo by Ian Thompson

click for more

Croaghbeg - G 645 751

The entrance and two chambers of the gallery.

photo of interior by Ian Thompson

The façade.

The full forecourt during excavation looking towards the entrance to the gallery
- and in the distance across Donegal Bay, King's Mountain and Ben Bulben in one of Ireland's most megalith-rich areas.
The now-roofless subsidiary chamber-tomb within the large forecourt is in the foreground.

click for the nearby tomb at Shalwy


