Cabragh: Wedge-tomb
G 560 252
Sheet 25
This is the most westerly
of a group of tombs between Coolaney and the Ox Mountains and
one of two in Cabragh. It is a large and imposing wedge on a
site affording good views. Some of the roofstones survive, slipped
and tilted against the gallery-stones on the S side. My colleague
Ian Thompson writes: "Looking down on to
this tomb from the road 30 metres above, it looks a complete
mess, but closer inspection reveals a wonderful monument. The
appearance of messiness is caused by the displaced roofstones
which stick up out of the gallery.
The site
occupies a small, flat shelf on the side of a steep west facing
slope. There are amazing views to the west, where Knocknashee
sits all alone in the middle of a plain. The farmer told me
that you can see five counties from here and I can believe it.
The gallery is 10 metres long and aligned northeast-southwest
with the well defined entrance at the SW. As no roofstone remains
over the entrance it is hard to say if it was a portico or a
mini court feature. Around the gallery is the most complete
double-walling I have ever seen - at least I assume it's double
walling and not an extremely tight kerb."
~ 1.3 km SE in the
same townland (G 568 242) is another - but more damaged
- wedge tomb lying in a dip two fields in from the road. My
colleague Ian Thompson writes: "The
tomb occupies rough pasture on a southwest slope. 150 metres
to the northwest is an area of exposed rocky outcrops. Knocknashee
pokes its head above the top of the bank to the southeast. This
is possibly the only surviving tomb where Knocknarea does not
appear on the horizon. The gallery is about 6m long and defined
by two slabs on each side and the spikiest backstone I have
ever seen. A massive roof-slab, 3.5 metres x 2 metres long,
rests against one side of the tomb. 30 metres behind the tomb
there is a large slab flush with the ground, which seems to
have a chamber beneath it. A line of stones joins this to the
tomb. To the northwest there is a second flat slab lying with
its long axis at right angles to the gallery.
High up on the top of the ridge above the tomb is a flat altar-like
stone set so that it faces Knocknashee. In the neighboring fields
there are many rock outcrops, one of which has had its top split
away from it and a stone placed between to separate the two
pieces. Because a piece of stone has been used to do this it's
impossible to say how long ago this was done.
Driving around the area to the east of the Ox Mountains the
magnificent form of Knocknashee is impossible to ignore. It
dominates the skylines seen from the many tombs in the area.
Oddly, though, the tombs only occur to the west of the hill,
but when you visit them all becomes clear - for they are located
at points where both Knocknarea and Knocknashee can be seen."
~ 5.2
km S (G 568 201) at Knockatotaun is a portal-tomb with
some affinitites to wedge-tombs. Its large, horizontal capstone
(measuring 3 by 4 metres) is still in place. Its underside look
as though it has been worked to some degree. It rests on many
orthostats, nearly all of which are encrusted with worm fossils.
The long axis of the chamber is NW-SE, with the broader end
at the southeast. The orthostat below the 'rear' end of the
capstone has some handsomequartz veins running through it.
The most spectacular thing about this site is probably the presence
of Knocknashee 1 km SW. From the portal-tomb you can just make
out the passage tombs on its highest point.

About 5 km S of Knockatotaun in Achonry is a boulder-burial,
about which the only information I have is the photo below.

G 796 157
Sheet 25
for another picture 
as "The Labby [Rock]", ('Labby' is an anglicisation
of the Irish word for 'bed' - as in 'Dermot and Grania's
Bed', this tomb, 7 km SE of Riverstown and 7.2 km NNW
of Ballyfarnon, is best found by following the signs for "Cromlech
Lodge" (a well signposted hotel) from Castlebaldwin. A
path zig-zags through the woods until the dolmen suddenly appears
- behind a wall. This remarkable and endearing megalith has
a huge limestone capstone 2.5 metres thick, 4.5 metres long,
and 2.75 metres wide, weighing some 70 tonnes. It is a veritable
hanging garden of vegetation, and appears to be driving the
ridiculously puny portal-stones and backstone into the soft
ground. The entrance is marked by a low thin door-slab.
On the south side of the dip in which the tomb is placed are
some large slabs, which are very similar to the encrusted capstone
of the tomb, so the tomb was presumably either built from erratics
lyhing about, or the builders brought a surplus of material
to the site. One of these has a vertical face and acts as a
sounding board, contributing to some of the remarkable echo-effect
when one speaks loudly from just in front of the tomb.
For a report on recent 'vandalism' to this
tomb, click here.
The whole area E of Lough Arrow is rich in a variety of remains,
including sweathouses.
~ 1.7
km ESE in Moytirra West (G 807 151) is a small round
cairn with surrounding bank which had a double kist in the centre,
and which yielded the first examples of Irish bronze-age 'bell-beakers'.
The townland name preserves that of a legendary plain, Magh
Tuireadh, also known as Moytura, in which two cosmic battles
were fought.
2.5 km SE in Moytirra East (G 815 141) is a court-tomb
that I failed to find in 1972 because of a misprinted map-reference.
Its four-chambered gallery is over 11 metres long, with a large
court facing NNE, and has an unusual double (or split) entrance
like some Ulster wedge-tombs (such as Dunnamore, county
suggesting that it might be a late example influenced by - or
influencing - wedge-tombs. There are several standing-stones
in the vicinity, up to 3.5 metres high, some prostrate: perhaps
part of a greater megalithic complex. The nearest is 100 metres
S of the tomb in the next field.

East tomb, and standing-stones
~ 2.4
km W is the huge cairn of Heapstown.
Passage-tomb complex
G 755 115
Sheet 25
on the picture for more

via a tarred track leading E from a by-road running from North
to South through the hills, and well-signposted this megalithic
cemetery is superbly situated on limestone ridges in different
townlands, of which Carrowkeel is only one. There are cairns
in Keshcorran to the W, as well as a dozen tombs and two megalithic
kists in the main necropolis, which has clearly been laid out
with an eye to the unique landscape of rocky spurs. There are
magnificent views from the cairns over Lough Arrow to the E,
and N to Knocknarea and Ben Bulben. Some of the rock-faces are
steep, and there are extensive patches of peat-bog and heather
on the ridges and in the deep fissures.

Some of the tumuli survive to over 6 metres in height (despite
the dynamiting by the archæology-professor Macalister
in 1911!), but a kerb is visible only on Cairn H. One of the
cairns (Cairn E) is long,
with a forecourt to the S, but without a gallery: instead there
is a massive slab 3.6 metres long blocking off a cruciform chamber.
This remarkable tomb would seem to be a rare example of court-
and passage-tomb fusion or experiment: a passage-tomb constructed
by court-tomb builders, perhaps - or the result of a cultic
Its false entrance, the passage tomb at the far end and the
evidence of a flat façade make this more related to the
English long barrow tradition than anything in Ireland.
Of the other tombs,
Cairn F (now ruined) is the finest, with double-transepted chamber
shaped like a Cross of Lorraine, and a (now-collapsed) roof
of corbels assisted by squinches and packing-stones. Between
the inner pair of recesses was a broken pillarstone, at the
butt-end of whose fallen portion human ashes had been placed.
In this and some other tombs some of the large stones are of
sandstone. These may have been placed at points of particular
stress where limestone would soon collapse. In fact, some of
the lintels in Cairn K are cracked and dangerous.
I am told that at Midsummer
the sun as seen from Cairn A rolls down the side of Keshcorran
(also spelled Keishcorran) to the NW, 'and sets over the Cairnaweeleen
Cairns A and P have no chambers in them, while H (with impressive
entrance) and
D have only long box-like kists. Cairns G and K are very fine
with interesting cruciform chambers and double-lintelled entrances.
G has a 'light-box' of earlier and cruder construction than
the famous one at Newgrange.
for an enlarged picture
Whereas the Newgrange
box permits a shaft of light to penetrate along the passage
of the tomb into the chamber at the winter Solstice, the Carrowkeel
one was designed to "trap" the light of the setting
sun at summer Solstice, and the light of the setting moon at
the winter solstice and Lunar Extremes.
Cairns M and N have
only a few stumps of orthostats left, and Cairn C is unenterable.
B, dramatically sited at the N end of a promontory
W of Cairns F and E in Treanscrabbagh townland (G 745
116), has the most commanding position of all the tombs. Within
a kerbed cairn 22.5 metres in diameter and 5 metres high is
an accessible, fairly-crude pentagonal chamber with two sillstones
at either end of a passage.

On a commanding limestone
ridge to the NE of the complex in Mullaghfarna
(approachable from the N via a seemingly-natural stairway in
the cliff) is a cluster of nearly 50 stone rings known as "the
village". Some are too large to have been roofed, so they
may have been tent-shelters for ritual occasions. Most form
a continuous line along the E edge of the ridge, and are aligned
with Knocknarea on the northern horizon. There is no evidence
to connect them with the same early Neolithic period as the
supposed necropolis.
for more 
"the village", also in Mullaghfarna, is an undisturbed
an historical account of Carrowkeel, with videos,
see the Voices
from the Dawn website.
~ At the top of Keshcorran mountain (G 713 126) is a
cairn, mostly covered in vegetation, which overlooks the stark
tombs of the Necropolis at Carrowkeel. It is over 5 metres high
and is about 30 metres in diameter - and probably contains a
passage tomb.
The views are magnificent in all directions,especially from
the E, where Carrowkeel cairns F, G, H and maybe K sit on the
near horizon, with Lough Arrow beyond. To the N and NW, the
Ox Mountains form a false horizon, and Benbulben and Knocknarea
can be seen.
Being very exposed to the west, the hilltop can get very windy.

~ Lower down and on
the west side of Keshcorran mountain (G 706 122) are several
caves, which are visible from the road. The cave with the largest
entrance appears to go back quite some distance into the hill,
and offers spectacular views.
Excavations revealed the bones of now extinct animal such as
giant elk and evidence of early habitation by humans. The caves
and the hill itself (also known as King's Mountain) feature
in myth and legend.
The climb to the caves is very steep and can be very slippery
underfoot. Needless to say, it is a good idea to bring a torch
and perhaps some candles.

~ 1.5
km NE of Kesh Caves in Carnaweeleen (G 717 132) is a
disturbed passage-tomb known locally as Carnaweelaun,
originally cruciform but now somewhat scattered with displaced
roofstones and collapsed uprights. One roofstone lies to one
side, propped up against taller orthostats, which are a little
over 1 metre tall. These could mark the corners of the central
chamber. Situated on a north-east spur of Keshcorran Mountain,
it offers fine views to the N and E towards Carrowkeel and beyond.

Byrne's excellent web-site for more information
on, and excellent photographs of, Carrowkeel and other Sligo
Megalithic complex
G 663 335
Sheet 25
the thumbnail for a larger picture

Although concentrated
in the townland of Carrowmore (rather too close to the county
town of Sligo for its preservation), there are also passage-tombs
in other neighbouring townlands - most of them ruined and looking
like portal-tombs. The cemetery is dominated by the kerbed tumulus
of Misgán Méadbha (Maeve's Cairn, Lump
or Pimple) on the summit of Knocknarea: unopened but almost
certainly containing a passage-tomb or megalithic kist. It is
55 metres in diameter, over 10 metres high and round about it
are the remains of several tombs and cairns.
It was in this area
that passage-tombs - and stone circles deriving from their cairn-kerbs
- were developed in Ireland, moving East across Ireland and
into Britain and Brittany as they got more elaborate. The Carrowmore
necropolis may have had as many as 80 sepulchres originally;
now only 60 can be traced, because of gravel quarrying and other
schemes such as municipal dumping to fill in gravel pits! They
are now protected (from commercial, but not from 'official'
damage), and there is (of course) a Visitor Centre.
The Sligo passage-tombs
belong to different periods. The earliest are the simple 'boulder-circles'
of Carrowmore.
the thumbnail for larger pictures 
may be the ancestors of all the stone
circles of Atlantic Europe, which enclosed simple
small boulder-built chambers. Occupying the edge of Carrowmore
plateau, these mostly align towards a 'ritual centre', and were
not built to impress or be seen from afar.
A date late in the fifth millennium BC has been established
for one of the boulder-chambers, making it the oldest known
building in Europe.
for a large picture
They have been interpreted
as quiet sacred places of an egalitarian society which lived
close by, on especially-good land with a climate favoured (rather
than battered) by the sea, which was also, of course, the main
highway until late mediæval times. This might have been a matriarchal
society which inevitably made the mistake of allowing boys to
form secret societies and play with big stones - and big clubs.

on, tombs or shrines with high visibility and prestige were
built away from Carrowmore on the Slieve Gamph or Ox Mountains
to the SW. Some of them had more complex cruciform chambers
and large cairns. The dead were now distanced and elevated from
a more stratified society with a labouring class, and the shrine-houses
of the dead no longer fitted into the landscape, but dominated
third phase is represented by the huge cairns of Misgán
Méadbha on Knocknarea, and Listoghil in Carrowmore
- which, it seems likely, were constructed rather later than
their burial-chambers.

for more
complex monuments required huge labour-resources, and must have
been built by a fairly totalitarian society. Later still, the
highly visible hilltop cairns on Carrowkeel, all supervised
by the all-seeing and probably baleful eye of Misgán
Méadbha, were built as a kind of new necropolitan
annexe to the already venerable sacred area of Carrowmore.
The best way to view
the Carrowmore Sacred Landscape is to walk along the by-road
which runs North-South to the W of Cloverhill House. Many of
the denuded tombs and kerbs (which of course are not stone circles),
including Listoghil,
the most prominent monument in the complex, can be viewed to
the W.
for another view 
Interspersed among
the passage-tomb remnants are stone
kists, standing-stones and a holed stone (difficult
of access because it is surrounded by drains and electric fences!)
in the townland of Tobernaveen to the extreme NW of the
complex (G 665 350).

It looks
remarkably like the door-stone to the court-tomb at Corracloona,
Leitrim, and is very likely the last vestige of such
a tomb. Through this stone babies were passed to ward off the
many infant maladies that for so many centuries afflicted Ireland
with a child mortality greater than almost anywhere else in
Europe. It was still being used in 2001. For more about the
stone and its use, see the Voices
from the Dawn website.
~ About
600 metres NW of the Tobernaveen stone is a fine stone-row in
Barnasrahy, photographed
below by Martin Byrne.

~ 1.3
km NNW of Barnasrahy stone-row is a court-tomb at Cummeen
(G 657 366) - one of several remarkable court-tombs in the NW
of Ireland, such as Magheraghanrush and Creevykeel
(also in Sligo), Tullyskeherny and Tawnymanus
(Leitrim), and Cloghanmore (Donegal). This one may be
the most intriguing.

photo by
The remains
are clearly that of a central court tomb minus the court. Two
galleries stand facing each other some 5 metres apart on an
E-W alignment. The E gallery is the more complete and it is
possible to tell that it was divided into two chambers, because
one of the dividing jamb stones is in situ. The other, more
ruined, is roughly the same size and design. Each gallery is
about 4 metres long and over 1.5 metres wide. The entrance jambs
into each gallery are present and well-matched.
The views in most directions are obscured by hedgerows and walls,
except for the most important view - to the N - where Benbulben's
distinctive outline appears across Sligo Harbour and Rosses
Sligo town itself occupies
the area most favoured for living and burying in Neolithic times.
~ Surrounded
by a housing-estate in Abbeyquarter North on the outskirts
of Sligo town (G 700 357) is a boulder-kerb some 12 metres in
diameter - contemptuously turned into a roundabout and grotesquely
Christianised by cast-iron Calvary figures.
In Cloverhill, to the S of the main cemetery, and on
the other side of the road from Cloverhill House, near a former
schoolhouse (G 671 335) is a roofless and shamelessly-neglected
small tomb which is decorated with worn curvilinear ornament
on three of its orthostats. A fourth decorated stone, removed
in 1832, is now in the wall of an out-building attached to the
old school nearby. This tomb is hard to find.
on the thumbnail for a larger picture 
Recommended reading on both the
Carrowkeel and Carrowmore complexes
is Stefan Bergh's
A study of the passage tombs in the Cúil Irra region
published by Riksantikvarieämbetet, Stockholm, 1985
ISBN 91 7192 945 2
Byrne's excellent web-site for more detailed information,
and for sequential photos of most of the 50-plus sites in the
G 384 124
Sheet 24
3.2 km
NW of Aclare, at a height of about 250 metres and extremely
difficult to locate across featureless bog lie two court-tombs
embedded in the peat. The more southerly (to which the grid
reference above applies) is probably the best-preserved in Ireland.
Entry can be made only through a small hole in the roof, which
is corbelled with high-pitched slabs in two and three tiers
over low orthostats. As with the tomb in Carrowleagh
in county Mayo (some 9.6 km NNW) the court is entirely concealed
by cairn and bog.
~ 300
metres N is a wedge-tomb with a low, modern wall - obviously
constructed of cairn-material - surrounding the remains of the
cairn. The court would have been at the north-west end, but
this area is in total disarray. The gallery is in a much better
state, and, unusually, diamond-shaped. The entrance is just
under 2 metres wide.

~ 6.4 km SW
is the fine wedge-tomb in Carrowcrom, Mayo.
Clogher: Stone Fort
M 664 985
Sheet 33
Known as "Cashelmore",
the fort is inside the Coolavin Estate some 14 km WSW of Boyle,
romantically sited amongst trees, and approached through a gate.
It was restored in the 19th century and is built of stones which
get smaller as they get higher. Inside are three sets of steps
leading to the ramparts, three wall-niches, and two souterrains.
Full-court tomb
G 721 546
Sheet 16
This very fine, excavated
tomb lies immediately E of the noisy and busy main road from
Sligo to Bundoran, a few metres N of Creevykeel Crossroads.
It is contained in a wedge-shaped cairn which was originally
nearly 60metres long. The broad end faces roughly E, and from
it a short passage leads into a large oval court (with somedry-walling)
about 15 metres long. This in turn leads into a 2-chambered
gallery with vestiges of corbelling in the rear chamber. Only
those orthostats nearest the entrance to the gallery are of
megalithic proportions, some of them 1.8 metres high. Behind
the gallery are the remains of 3 single-chambered subsidiary
tombs, apparently built at the same time as the rest of the
monument. On the S side the cairn is double. On the NW part
of the court are the remains of a much later kiln, and evidence
of iron-smelting was found there when the tomb was excavated
- see just above the centre of the photo below.

Creevykeel: the narrow entrance to the penannular forecourt.
Click for more.
~ 3.2 km SW in Cartronplank, behind a house about
100 metres E of the road from Cliffony to Drumcliff is "Tombavannor"
an overgrown court-tomb resembling those at Shalwy and Croaghbeg
in Donegal, with a massively-constructed gallery of 2 chambers,
good entry-jambs and a very large gabled backstone some 2 metres
high. Only a few stones of the court, decreasing in height from
the entrance, survive amongst the vegetation.
~ 9.5
km WSW of Creevykeel is a small wedge-tomb at Streedagh (G
629 504), exposed by a storm which removed some of the sand
dunes that once covered the area. The roofless gallery is just
3 metres long, but has well-preserved double-walling. It is
entered through two matching stones with a door-stone in between
- which was broken when some vandals lit a fire in the gallery.
The circular kerb - some 10 metres in diameter - is almost complete.
Good overhead views of the tomb can be had from sand-dunes nearby.

~ 12.8 km SSW in Coolbeg,
about 900 metres NW of the 12th century cross and
Yeats' grave at Drumcliff ("- horseman, pass
by!"), about 200 metres W of the bridge over the Owney
river beside a grove of cherry-trees, (G 673 424) is a large
limestone wedge-tomb with trees growing through it, whose main
chamber is almost 7 metres long, over which one (slipped) capstone
remains - with at least one cup-mark on it.
is an antechamber or portico and a good façade of stones
about one metre high. Much of the double-walling survives.
~ 16 km SW (7.4 km
W by N of Coolbeg) in Cloghcor (G 599 438), facing N
on the highest point of a ridge, is a portal-tomb in a passage-tomb
situation. The weight of the roofstone has collapsed the chamber
and it now lies behind the portal- or entrance-stones which
are 2 metres high, and which may not have directly supported
the roofstone. There are fine views S over Sligo Bay to Knocknarea.

G 772 163
Sheet 25
to the E of a by-road leading to Riverstown is a huge cairn
over 60 metres in diameter and 6 metres high - said locally
to have been piled up on a single night by non-human forces.
Being on low ground, its enormous size and massive kerb suggest
that, like Listoghil in Carrowmore (above), it contains
a passage-tomb.

are reports of decorated stones and an Ogam stone which used
to be near the cairn.
A kerbstone on the S side has barely-decipherable glyphs.
(For a
discussion of the Sligo passage-tombs, see Carrowmore,
~ 1.6
km W at Barroe (G 799 144) is a possible megalithic tomb
with a craggy capstone 1.8 metres thick and wide similar to
the capstone of the portal-tomb at Carrickglass, 2.4
km E of Heapstown.

~ Three
Lough Arrow are marked on sheet 25.
or Deerpark: Centre-court tomb
G 753 367
Sheet 25
The fine views to be
had from this huge tomb are now blocked by insensitive planting
of dreary conifer forest, which is to the S of the road from
Leckaun to Sligo (6.4 km to the E). On the top of a ridge overlooking
Colgagh Lough, the tomb has an impressive central court 15 metres
long, from which 3 two-chambered galleries extend to give the
tomb a length of 30 metres. Two are on the E side and one on
the W. One of the E galleries still has a lintel in place (though
broken) above the jamb-stones. The court is entered from the
S side, and the tomb (also known as Leacht Con Mhic Ruis)
has some similarities with the tomb at Ballyglass, county
Below the monument, approached by the path from which the path
to the court-tomb branched off, are other remains including a
ruined wedge-tomb, a souterrain, and a trivallate stone fort with
souterrain (G 750 366) which offers splendid views towards Slieve
~ 8.5 km SSW, on the
other side of Lough Gill, close to a by-road in Carrownagh
(G 732 285) is another sprawling (single-)court tomb with massive
stones, and a long gallery divided into (possibly) three sections.
There is an impressive square backstone at the W end, and good
jamb-stones indicate that there are two distinct chambers. There
may be a third chamber at the east end but this area contains
some cairn material, possibly not all original, and a large
stone which may be a displaced lintel. This may be the area
of the court. One of the embedded stones appears to be out of
line with the gallery and suggests that the structure widened
at this point to form a court.
Dargan (Carrownamaddo and Castledargan townlands): Passage-tomb
G 704 296
Sheet 24
'Calliagh a Vera's
[Caillech Bhéarra's] House' is not on the highest peak of
Slieve Dargan, but on a lower peak to the west. Slieve Dargan
blocks the views to the east and northeast, but the views to
the south, west and north are extensive.
The tomb is not visible until you are almost on top of it, because
it is built on a flat-topped rocky outcrop. The main structure
is in very good condition and is set into a spread of cairn
material about 15 metres in diameter. This can't be as deep
as the chamber is, though, so the tomb must be rock-cut. It
was built in the second phase of passage-tomb construction in
county Sligo. All the roofstones are present, although some
have been shifted to one side, allowing access into the chamber.
The passage - which is 3 metres long - is full of cairn material
and is separated from the chamber area by a single jamb on the
south side of the passage. Three large stones form a chamber
measuring 1 x 1.5 metres. Upon these rest layers of huge corbel
stones which in turn support the roof. It is possible for most
people to stand up within the chamber.
The end of the passage is set well back from the edge of the
cairn material and appears to have been deliberately blocked
off, so it is probable that continued access was not intended.
It is likely that the cairn did not originally reach above the

for a closer view
~ 850
metres SSW in Dargan townland (G 701 288), beside a well-used
forest track, is a North-South alignment of 3 stones, whose
northernmost stone (1.4 metres) has fallen and is half-buried.
The central stone is 1.6 metres high and is rectangular in section.
The southernmost is a small triangular one just 50 cms tall.
The disparity in height poses a problem of authenticity.
West: Court/Portal-tomb
G 596 307
Sheet 25
under 5 km SW of Knocknarea, this tomb is picturesque in a sylvan
setting, and is a 'hybrid' or intermediate between a court-
and a portal-tomb. It has massive entrance stones about 2 metres
high. The half-door stone between them is a feature of portal-tombs
and is a reddish sandstone, in contrast to the greyish limestone
of the rest of the tomb. The first (and only remaining) chamber
of the gallery is formed by two massive orthostats which are
not in line with the two entrance/portal stones. This also is
a feature of portal-tombs. There is no back-stone to the gallery
- which ends in two opposing jambs. Many other stones are scattered
about, some of which might be roofstones, others from the court,
and yet others could be from the original kerb.

~ 5.8
km NW in Ardnabrone (G 550 343) is a wrecked portal-tomb. Tom
FourWinds recounts the lore pertaining to the wreckage of
this and other tombs around the country: There
was once a magic cow that lived inside the chamber and would
fill whatever container you placed beneath its udders with milk,
without ever going dry. One day someone got greedy and placed
a sieve beneath the cow to fill many jugs with milk. The cow,
realising the mean trick that was being played on her, reared
up, dislodged the capstone and ran away...

~ 6.6
km SW is one of the wedge-tombs at Cabragh.
Tawnatruffaun: Portal-tomb
G 400 282
Sheet 24
visible a few hundred metres E of a by-road following the valley
of the Owenwee river, 8 km SW of Dromore West, this tomb is
now the magical centre of a large clearing in a conifer plantation.
Known as The Giant's Griddle, it has a fine slab-like
capstone 2.8 metres long, tilted appropriately and resting on
2 well-matched portal-stones about 1.5 metres high (between
which is a low 'half-door' stone) and only just resting on the
backstone. One of the sidestones has disappeared, allowing the
chamber to be seen clearly.
Cup-and-ring designs
are reputed to be on two stones of the wall/fence in which The
Giant's Griddle is incorporated.
~ 2.5 km NE is another
(less impressive) portal-tomb at Crowagh (G 421 294)
with a good door-stone between its squat portals. Its long cairn
- with signs of a kerb - can be traced to 18 metres behind the
chamber. Despite the collapse of the massive capstone, which
has crushed the chamber and pushed the portal-stones and door-stone
forward to about 60°, the tomb is still over 2 metres high.
for another photo 
~ 2.8 km N by E in
Knockanbaun (G 402 307), in the centre of a very thick
clump of trees and scrub is portal-tomb similar to that at Crowagh
but with a small capstone - which was, nevertheless, heavy enough
to have crushed the chamber and forced the portal stones forward.

~ 2.6
km WSW at Caltragh (G 376 270) are the remains of a court-tomb
largely surrounded by peat. From the road, the remaining huge
roofstone can be seen. Other stones, including a horizontal
supporting stone beneath the west end of the roofstone can be
seen if you make the somewhat treacherous journey across old