The Burren
karst plateau.

Ballaghaglash: Burren wedge-tomb
R 373 995
Sheet 52
chief interest of this ruined tomb is that the surviving side-stone
of the chamber is perforated with a hole 60 cms in diameter,
beside which is a matching round stone which would have plugged
it. Perforations in transverse stones occur in Irish tombs,
but rarely (if ever) in side-stones. And while a few bung-stones
survive in the Paris-basin tombs of France,
this - if it is genuine - is the only Irish example.

It is
also easy to see, at this tomb, how the builders wedged the
side-slabs into the cracks in the limestone during construction.
~8.5 km NE is the fine
portal-tomb at Crannagh in county Galway.
R 544 885
Sheet 58
This well-preserved
wedge-tomb is also a holy well (tober) dedicated to the
sun (grían:gráinne, which features in several
Irish megalithic names). Its outer walls are still pretty much
covered by the surrounding bog, but looking inside you can see
that the gallery goes down a full metre below ground level.
Two fine overlapping roofstones - scattered with coins and little
offerings - cover the whole gallery. Looking in from the front
through one of the chipped away pieces of the septal slab that
seals it off you can clearly see the 'wedge' shape of the gallery.
Two stones to the front of the gallery form a small now-roofless
20 metres or so to one side of 'Tober Gráinne' is another
possible (very ruined) tomb, There are other mounds and ruined
tombs in the valley and townland.

photos by Ian Thompson
~ 13.4 km N by E in
Bohateh North (R 678 906, sheet 52), and splendidly located
on the hills to the north of Lough Derg is another wedge-tomb
- which looks more like a megalithic kist. A huge squarish capstone
leans against the one remaining wall stone to the west. The
north and south wall stones are present but have collapsed beneath
the capstone. An odd monolith stands just to the side of the
main monument and an outlying slab stands 30 metres to the northwest.
The chamber would have been about 1.5 metres square internally
and about 1 metre high. It's interesting to note that several
of the other many tombs around here are well set into the bog,
but this one has definitely been built on what would have been
a high spot before the bog developed.

Close by Bohateh is Cappaghbeha Mountain on which there
is a ruined single-chamber portal-tomb/wedge-tomb hybrid (R
661 904) affording more spectacular views. Other very ruined
megalithic remains are scattered about.
W by N of Ballycroum in Corbehagh (R 515 937) are the
neat remains of a small wedge-tomb about 1 metre high and 3
metres long, on low pasture land. To the south the ground rises
and there are exposed rock-surfaces, where engraving has been
reported but never photographed.

South: Burren wedge-tombs
R 220 944
Sheet 51
on the thumbnail for a larger picture 
1.5 km NW of the prominent Leamaneh Castle, this fine but damaged
tomb has the largest chamber in the Burren, formed by 2 great
sidestones over 5 metres long and a neatly-fitting backstone.
The top of the S sidestone juts forward like a prow and bears
definite traces of dressing. The front (W) end of the chamber
is partly closed by a large slab which leaves a gap at the N
side. Over the W end of the tomb are two broken slabs which,
together with fragments inside and outside the chamber, formed
the huge roof of the tomb. There is a low septal sill-stone.
In 1955 a large bonfire was lit on the intact roofstone to celebrate
a Hurling victory.
~ There is another wedge-tomb in the same townland, 2.4
km to the NNE (R 227 953), and one of the most beautiful, complete
and remote tombs in the Burren, whose cairn survives to a height
of 1.6 metres. The front of the tomb now rises out of the cairn
a further 1.3 metres, and the gallery slopes down into the cairn.
The walls are single slabs 3.5 metres long, both perforated.
Half of the door-stone is missing, but the surviving half has
a good 'soul-hole' chipped out of the top corner. The roofstone,
4 metres long, remains intact. The tomb had been, in 2003, the
temporary residence of a polecat.
~ Looking from the
above tomb West along its axis is another tomb in Ballyganner
North (R 223 953) now located within a cashel which has
incorporated some of its cairn. The gallery is some 4 metres
long, and from its E end (under the broken and collapsed roofstone)
a souterrain
~ In the same townland is a court-tomb (R 219 956), somewhat
hard to find. Its gallery also is 4 metres long, and its court
(at the N end) is very narrow and rubble-filled. The tomb resembles
another such outside the main distribution area - at Shanballyedmond,

My colleague
Ian Thompson ( writes:
"The big Ballyganner South tomb (first listed above)
is built as if to dominate the area. Many Burren tombs seem
to be built on hillsides, but here all the tombs (apart from
the court-tomb) are built in prominent places. One of these
is so prominent that a cashel was built around it. The nicer
Ballyganner South tomb is built on a plateau but is raised up
court tomb is situated in a much different fashion. It occupies
a low spot exactly between two rises and is aligned with this
mini valley.
whole area is somewhat puzzling. Was the larger tomb built to
dominate the court tomb builders? Or were the court-tomb builders
intrusive ? What (if any) is the significance of the axis that
the Ballyganner North (wedge in cashel) and the smaller Ballyganner
South tomb share?"
~ 3 km ENE of the large
Ballyganner South tomb, in Deerpark (R 248 950), is a
charming but damaged wedge-tomb with a double roofstone and
a 'soul-hole' at the back as at Baur South.
~ 2.4 km NW, in
Noughaval (R 213 966), is a stone fort or cashel known as
Cahercutteen, with exceptionally large stones and a fine
flight of steps giving access to the cashel wall.
~ 1.2 km E by S of
the large Ballyganner South tomb, in Clooneen (R 232
943), is another large wedge-tomb with a huge capstone and in
a good state of repair.
~ 6.5
km ENE is Cahercommaun stone fort (marked Cathair Chomáin
on the map at R 282 965), about which my colleague Ian at
"Do not let the 'Cahercommaun
1 km' sign at the road stop you from trekking to this amazing
place. The path is fairly easy going apart from the last little
up hill bit that takes you onto the plateau upon which the fort
stands The fort itself is very ruinous, but what does remain
allows you to easily envisage its form and perhaps even its
scale. It was roughly D-shaped with the flat northern edge against
a high cliff face protecting that side. The central area (the
main stronghold) had walls 3 metres thick which protected huts
within the inner sanctum, and which still reach a height of
3.5 metres in places. Outside of this are two concentric areas,
within which you can still find the foundations of further huts.
Before you reach the main site you walk past huge rings of stones
marking where and outer settlement once stood, which in themselves
are quite fascinating when you start tracing the outlines of
the huts.
a picnic, the family and make a day of it - but pick a nice
to enlarge 
a wooden ramp with a central viewing platform has now been constructed
around the perimeter of the fort.
500 metres
East of the fort and facing it (R 287 966) is a small and neat
unmarked wedge-tomb." (See
Tullycommon under Creevagh.)
Stone fort
R 201 950
Sheet 51
A fine and large stone
fort measuring 49 by 39 metres internally, and built of large
limestone blocks, it has a fine chevaux-de-frise of closely-spaced
upright stones to impede attack, including a larger standing-stone
- part of a destroyed megalith ? The wall, surviving up to 4.5
metres high is typically built in vertical layers so that it
is as much as 6 metres thick in parts. Remains of huts can be
seen built against the wall inside.
click the picture
for a larger photo
Burren wedge-tombs
113 031
Sheet 51
There are four wedge-tombs
in this townland, the most curious of which is located in a
basin hollowed out of the bedrock. Just one wall-slab and part
of the backstone stands now. Another slab lies to one side and
is probably the remains of the other side. There are traces
of the cairn outline, which was only a little larger than the
tomb itself. Directly in front of the tomb is an 40-metre square
expanse of exposed karst pavement, with many stones standing
up in the grooves.
Next to the south-eastern corner of this exposed pavement is
a hut-circle about 7 metres in diameter, with a possible doorway
on the E side.
In the same field as the tomb, at M 108 030, is another ruined
wedge-tomb whose surviving sidestone is 3.5 metres long and
1.2 metres high. The large slab leaning against it is likely
to have been the roofstone. Both these tombs align north-south
the same direction as the main fault/erosion line runs.

~ Farther SW in the same townland, at M 110 026, under a small
cliff, is a tomb in better condition, with an intact gallery
forming a chamber 3 metres long and 1.5 metres tall and wide.
The open end has been three-quarters blocked with sturdy dry-stone
walling, and a curved wall arcs out in front. Until recently
there were small buttress-slabs set at right-angles along the
outside of the walls - but these are now lying in a pile to
one side.
for another view
30 metres S, on the opposite side of an expanse of exposed limestone
is a massive swallow hole, with another some 75 metres E of
~ Farther NW again in the same townland at M 108 033 is "Caherdoon"
(Cathair Dhún) a large cashel or stone fort which
has not suffered 'restoration'.

~ 7 km ENE is another
wedge-tomb at Derrynavahagh.
Burren wedge-tomb
217 002
Sheet 51
8 km WSW of Ballyvaughan, on
the edge of a craggy plateau and just visible from a tarred
track, this fine well-preserved wedge-tomb is built typically
of thin Burren slabs and contains, unusually, a chamber within
a chamber 2.4 metres long, both sharing the same backstone,
and retaining its roofstones. As at Poulaphuca (2.5 km
NE) the E end-stone has a corner chipped off.
~ About 600 metres
NE, on a farm track and overshadowed by a shed in Baur North
(R 223 005) is a less-beautiful example, with grass-grown roofstone.
~ 2.4 km N by W in
Berneens (M 215 025) at a height of 190 metres is a very
wedge-shaped slab-built tomb whose door-slab is missing.

~ About 1100 metres
SW in Lissylisheen (R 211 992) is a small wedge-tomb
with damaged gallery still embedded in its cairn, some 1.3 metres
high and 4 metres in diameter.
~ 5.6 km S by
E is the large but damaged tomb at Ballyganner South.
~ 1.2 km W by N is
a fine stone fort at Cahermacnaghten, containing foundations
of rectangular stone buildings.

~ 2 km
ESE is another stone fort at Caherconnell, in use until
(or re-used in) the 15th century.
archaeological excavations from 2007 to 2009, a prehistoric
chamber with a short passage was found 30 metres southeast of
the fort, within which were burials dating from the stone age
to the 17th century CE!
photo by Jim Dempsey
Burren wedge-tomb
R 391 878
Sheet 58
800 metres
SW of Crusheen, this tomb is not very attractive (a stone wall
has been built against it) but is included because of its accessibility.
It displays the characteristic wedge-shape of these tombs. A
long chamber of 5 stones supports 2 roofstones.

to see the old Bord Fáilte sign for this tomb
~ 3.3
km WNW by the roadside in Moyree Commons (R 363 891)
is a ruined portal-tomb - one of only two in the Burren (the
other being the much-photographed one at Poulnabrone).
One portal stone stands over 3 metres high, but the other has
broken at a height of around 2 metres, with the upper part leaning
inwards against the taller one. The chamber is somewhat wrecked.
To the front of the broken portal stone there is a very low
stone which may be the remains of a small court in front of
the entrance, whose doorstone is missing. A pile of cairn material
lies to the N, and, curiously, a sturdy drystone wall has been
built just 1 metre from the tomb.

~ 10 km NE is Derrycallan
North wedge-tomb, county Galway.
Stone fort
M 158 114
Sheet 51
At a height of about
210 metres above Black Head this fort is worth the climb up
from the coast road for the Burren flora and the view over Galway
Bay alone. The fort is built on a level piece of limestone karst
and is roughly D-shaped. There is a terrace and traces of stairs.
It is about 20 metres in diameter with jointed walls over 4
metres high and almost as thick in places. The stonework - of
beautiful fissured Burren limestone - is better on the N and
E sides than on the S and W, which, together with the irregularity
of shape, suggests unskilful rebuilding at various times.
Burren wedge-tomb
R 306 978
Sheet 51
On top
of a hill of deeply-fissured limestone surrounded by limestone
pavements, this fine tomb is difficult to reach and requires
some caution. It is almost complete, retaining its massive roofstone
now broken in two. The walls are made from single slices of
limestone. The backstone is missing, and so the rear section
of the roofstone has dropped back slightly and now points into
the air. The door-stone is a slab which is two-thirds of the
width of the tomb, leaving a gap on one side. The interior rises
to 1.6 metres, and the floor seems to have been paved.

are three cairns on the hilltop, the highest one without grass
covering it and bearing an Ordnance Survey trigonometrical marker.
Any or all of them may contain tombs.
~ 4.4
km N in Coolnatullagh, on a south-facing slope that overlooks
the little road running up the valley (M 310 031), is a tiny
wedge-tomb with a roof-slab just 2 metres by one metre, and
wall-slabs no higher than 50 cms. One of these has slipped,
so that the roof has tipped; the other has been damaged, thus
allowing access to the tiny gallery. The edge of the covering
cairn can just be distinguished.

In the
same townland, not marked on the map, is another cairn, apparently
complete, and excavated
in 1999. Unfortunately I have no co-ordinates, just the photo

~ 6.6
km SW is Parknabinnia wedge-tomb.
R 421 802
Sheet 58
Not quite on the top
of a hill and clearly visible from a by-road, this fine alignment
(NE-SW) comprises three stones around 1.7 metres tall and 2.5
metres apart. The two outer stones are charmingly askew.
for another view 
~ 3.2 km E, and 1.6
km W by N of Tulla, by a hedge in a field to the left of a
lane leading to Newgrove House (R 452 802), in Newgrove,
is a small wedge-tomb which retains its roof, most of its outer-walling,
and some of its circular cairn. Four mossy stones NW of the
chamber may be the remains of a kerb. The roofstone is chocked
by a small boulder resting on the N corner of the closing-slab
at the W end of the tomb. A loose block of sandstone lying at
the E end of the chamber with a round depression 27 cms in diameter
and 9 cms deep may be a bullaun.
click the photo for
another view
~ 4 km ENE, immediately
S of a by-road in Tyredagh Lower (R 454 822) is a fine
standing-stone some 3 metres tall and only 15 cm thick, 100
metres NW of which is a typical single-bullaun.
for another view 
photos by Ian Thompson

~ 4 km S in Ballyhickey
(R 424 762), in a paddock next to a farmyard, is a fine wedge-tomb
complete with orthostats and roofstones.
for another photo 
~ 13
km E on the boundary between the townlands of Clogher and
Coolbaun (R 546 800) are the sad remains of a once-impressive
portal-tomb, whose huge capstone sits in a wooded quagmire.
for another photo 
~ 5.6 km E by S, in
a lovely setting next to a road in Milltown (R 468 799)
are the neat remains of wedge-tomb whose chamber with grass-topped
capstone and four orthostats survives. The picture below shows
it from the back (East).

~ 4 km SSE is Magh
Adhair inauguration-site (see below).
~ 9.6 km SSE in Knappoge
or Knappogue (R 443 719) in a field to the west of the
entrance to Knappogue Castle is a group of three stones (near
the gateway) and a lone stone 200 metres away - perhaps the
survivors of a row or avenue some 200 metres long. They are
up to 2 metres high and of marvellously-decayed limestone.

~ 12 km SSE, on the
W side of the railway-line beside a ruined church at Ballinphunta
(R 479 616), the remains of a wedge-tomb and its circular cairn
(completely buried in field-stones and undergrowth when I visited
it in 1975) stand overlooking Craughaun graveyard. The surviving
square roof-stone has a number of solution-pits, and beneath
and behind it the chamber (containing a fallen, smaller, roofstone)
extends almost 5 metres. The door-stone is impressive.
More: Wedge-tomb
R 603 719
Sheet 58
8 km from O'Briensbridge is a fine, well-preserved wedge tomb
crowning a low knoll.
for another photo 
~ 9 km
NW is the portal-tomb at Clogher (see under Clooney,
km SW is another wedge-tomb at Formoyle More (R 592 707),
almost hidden amongst bushes.

Burren wedge-tomb
R 274 958
Sheet 51
Just W of a by-road
across a stream and signposted, this is more complex a wedge-tomb
than most, with grass-grown roofstone and impressive, tall,
outer wall-stones. In front of the tomb is a tall slab nearly
2 metres high marking a possible antechamber.
for more 
~ 1.8
km NE in Tullycommon (R 287 966) is a tiny wedge-tomb
not marked on the map, with a gallery only 1.7 metres long and
80 cms high. The tomb is 500 metres W of Noughaval stone
fort (see under Ballyganner South).

~ 5.4
km WSW is the large wedge-tomb at Ballyganner South.
~ 3.5
km NW is the tomb or kist at Meggagh (see under Poulaphuca).
Burren wedge-tomb
M 180 055
Sheet 51
on the thumbnail for a larger picture 
about 8 km WNW of Lisdoonvarna, this tomb, together with those
at Baur South and Ballyganner North, is one of
the finest of many wedge-tombs in the Burren of Clare. The flora
surrounding it, and the superb view S over the remarkable limestone
pavement (or karst) as far as the mountains of county
Kerry (on a good day) add to its appeal. The chamber, which
is about 3.4 metres long is covered at the W end by a large,
broken, grass-covered roofstone measuring 2.1 by 2.4 metres.
Some of the stones of the characteristic outer wall are higher
than the roof. The E end is closed, and the entrance at the
W end is partly closed by a high slab at right angles to the
~ 7 km
WSW are more wedge-tombs in Ballynahown.
Fanygalvan & Cahermackirilla: Wedge-tomb, alignment, etc.
R 254 971
Sheet 51
A large
hilltop wedge-tomb forms the centrepiece of a complex of monuments.
It has a west-facing gallery 6 metres long, each side is formed
by two slabs. The large wall-slab on the north side has collapsed
inwards to about 45 degrees and is supported within the gallery
by a small stone. This collapse gives the massive roof-slab
a steep slope. It also is broken in two, with the front 1.5
metres lying on the ground in front of the gallery.

intact, it would have weighed somewhere in the region of 10
tons. At the front of the gallery the front slab is still in
situ, but does not fill the whole width of the gallery.
On the southern side in particular the remains of the double
walling are good. The massive roof-slab would not have covered
the back sections of the walls, which may have been extended
are actually two wedge-tombs here. A few metres to the west
of the main structure there is another small, collapsed (earlier
or later ?) tomb on a different axis, whose roof-slab measures
around 2.5 by 1 metre, and lies on smaller slabs.
The modern field-wall to the N of the tomb marks a townland
~ Just
50 metres to the east of the wedge tomb there is a large circle
of stones that could be a fairly recent enclosure, but its proximity
to the other monuments suggests that it is of similar antiquity
to them. Just outside its southern edge there is a small cairn
whose top has been removed, exposing a small body-sized kist,
only 30 cm or so wide, formed by two limestone slabs 1.5 metres
long, aligned north-south and blocked by smaller slabs across
the ends. The cairn itself is about 1.5 metres high and 4 metres
in diameter, making the kist relatively large for the size of
the cairn.
~ 400
metres S - R 254 967 (GPS R 25383 96652) - and tucked
up against a 3 metre bluff there is a sub-rectangular dry stone
wall enclosure measuring about 6 x 4 metres. At one side there
are two large, rounded boulders that seem to form an entrance.
Just outside the opposite wall there is a rounded boulder on
a raised section of limestone pavement. In the centre of the
enclosure there is a large boulder that appears to have a small
cavity beneath it.

Fanygalvan ?boulder-burial.

The wedge-tomb in Fanygalvan and the alignment in Cahermackirilla.
~ In
Cahermackirilla, immediately N of the wedge-tomb
in Fanygalvan, is a NE-SW alignment of 3 stones - rare
in this part of the country. (Though all over the Burren there
are many small slabs set upright in the cracks in the limestone
pavements - echoes of prehistoric stone rows ?) The middle stone
is the tallest, at 1.6 metres high, with the smallest (possibly
broken) stone at the southwest.

~ About
100 metres W is a large hut-circle some 10 metres in diameter,
defined by small slabs set on end. There is a larger enclosure
close by, and another hut circle lies close to the nearby chambered
~ At
R 25422 97121 (GPS) is another cairn, 2 metres tall and
about 10 metres in diameter. A field wall runs east-west across
the foot of its southern side.
A low, ragged bump in the ground, just 30 cms high is all that
remains of a second cairn.
~ Still
in Cahermackirilla, at R 256 976, is a ruined cashel or stone
fort occupying one of the highest spots on this particular hilltop.
The walls on the west and north sides stand well over 4 metres
in places. The south and east walls have disappeared and have
been replaced by a thin Burren-style dry stone wall.The central
area is raised at least 1.5m above the surrounding fields. Against
the inside of the west wall there are the remains of two buildings,
one wall standing 2 metres high. In the fields immediately to
the west and east of the main structure there are a lot of smaller
remains, indicating that there was quite an impressive little
settlement around the cashel.
~ 2.1
km N of the Fanygalvan wedge-tomb is the tomb or kist at
Meggagh (see under Poulaphuca).
Christianised megalith ?
R 698 850
Sheet 58
Also spelt Iniscealtra
and referred to as Holy Island, this monastic site (founded
in the 7th century) with Round Tower in Lough Derg has numerous
Christian monuments, mainly 12th century and earlier. There
are also no fewer than seven bullauns
and a perforated slab known as 'The Bargaining Stone'.
From a megalithic point of view the most interesting structure
is the ruined 'Confessional', a small chapel or oratory built
around what seems to have been either the unroofed chamber of
a passage- or portal-tomb, or a five-stone circle located rather
far North of the Cork/Kerry distribution area. Christianised
standing-stones are fairly common in Atlantic Europe, but Christianised
tombs are rare: the most dramatic examples are on an island
in the river Vienne near Confolens (Vienne) in France, where
the orthostats of a 'dolmen' were replaced with Romanesque columns
to form a chapel-shelter dedicated to Mary Magdalen; and at
Cangas de Onis in Asturias, where an 8th century chapel replaced
a 5th century edifice built over the remains of another megalith.
click for more

Adhair: Inauguration site
R 442 770
Sheet 58
Placed unusually in
an amphitheatre of low hills, this eroded site, traditionally
the Inauguration Place of the kings of Thomond has the usual
features (like Tara) of large mound six metres high,
and other earthworks in a place of older antiquity marked by
megaliths. Stones are poking through the sides of the mound
where the soil has eroded, because it is an earth-covered cairn-structure.

The Inauguration Mound
To the N of the mound
is a large stone of purplish conglomerate with a bullaun
in it, and to the W is a cairn over 3 metres high. These features
are partly enclosed by an earthen bank on the E in which stand
many stones, and partly enclosed on the SW by a stream on the
other side of which is a two-metre high Standing-stone. Close
by this site there were great gatherings down to the time of
the Great Famine.

A watercolour of the standing-stone by a local artist.
~ About 500 metres
SSW is the tree-overgrown triple-walled Cahercalla -
which is not marked on the map. For more information on both
sites, and the link with Brian Boru, see the Voices
from the Dawn website.

~ 7.2 km SSW, in the
grounds of Drumoland Castle, 1.2 km NNE of Newmarket-on-Fergus,
is Moghane or Moughaun Stone fort (R 407 706).
A triple-walled construction, commanding extensive views over
the Shannon Estuary, covering an area of over 10 hectares, is
believed to be the largest hill-fort in the country. At the
highest point is the inner cashel or citadel with walls over
3 metres thick and a diameter of over 100 metres. Near the fort,
and almost certainly connected with it, was found the largest
hoard of gold objects ever found in Western Europe.
~ 3.5 km NNW is Clooney
stone-row (see above).
Burren wedge-tomb
R 264 936
Sheet 51
2 km NNW of Killinaboy,
this is one of the more accessible tombs in the dramatic landscape
of the Burren, close to a by-road, remains of its cairn survive.
The roofstone is over 3 metres long and now growing a crop of
grass. The sides are formed of single massive slabs. The E (rear)
end is closed and the front is partly closed, with a corner
of the door-slab deliberately removed to make a 'spirit-entrance'.
for more 
There are several tombs
in the townland, at least one of which, visible from the tomb
just described, at R 260 934, and now partly-incorporated in
a wall, is very similar - though quite a lot of cairn survives,
and indications of a second gallery.

The largest wedge-tomb,
at R 258 933 is now only partly-roofed.

photos by Ian Thompson
recently excavated, proved to be a court-tomb.
The area
around Roughan Hill has the highest density of wedge-tombs in
~ 500 metres NE in
Leana (R 269 940), overlooking the monuments in Parknabinnia,
and affording splendid vistas, are a round cairn and a wedge-tomb.
The wedge-tomb's cairn is quite high, with its single roof-stone
tipped at an interesting angle. The gallery is aligned roughly
north-south, and all four walls are in place. At the north end
two overlapping stones block the entrance as at the main Parknabinnia
for another picture 
The round cairn is
25 metres in diameter and 3 metres at its highest, though its
dominating position makes it seem higher.
~ 200 metres S at R 269 938 in the same townland is a tiny,
kist-like wedge-tomb whose gallery (80 cm wide, 150 cm long
and 95 cm deep) is totally embedded in the cairn and is aligned
north-east/south-west. The sidestones overlap the endstones,
making it more wedge-like. There are two stones projecting from
the cairn, but it is impossible to say if they are original.
Burren wedge-tomb
M 264 017
Sheet 51
About 6.5 km SW of
Ballyvaughan, this tomb has a very neat box-like chamber, closed
at the E end by a slab reaching to the roofstone which rests
on 2 long sidestones and the backstone. As at Baur South,
the E endstone has a corner chipped away.
Just 10 metres N is a small raised area with a few exposed stones
sticking up, and an exposed kist at the centre made from small
stones. The remains of the cairn are no more than 30 cms high.
A little bit further N there is another bump that is almost
certainly another kist-cairn.

for a large hi-res photo
~ 1.3
km N, by foot across treacherous limestone pavement, in Eanty
More (M 264 004) is another box-like tomb. It has a superb
and perfectly-preserved door-slab at the W end, with a much
smaller 'soul-hole' on the top corner at the N. Part of the
roof-stone lies inside the back of the gallery, and the back-stone
has been moved and thrown down. Both these tombs resemble the
box-like tombs of the French causses,
where 'soul-holes' are a common feature, though usually in massive

~ 2.2
km SE in Rannagh East (M 284 006) is one of the smaller,
but better-preserved of the Burren tombs, with a gallery only
2 metres long and little more than 1 metre wide. The cairn survives
to a height of about a metre, not quite reaching the large roofslab
that covers the entire gallery, but has a chunk broken off.
About 5 metres to the W is a low standing stone. A further 5
metres beyond this is a small cairn, no more than 40 cms high
and 2 metres across. These are not directly on the axis of the
gallery, but the three features do form a straight line.
~ 3 km
S by W, just N of a by-road in Meggagh (R 258 988) is
a neat little tomb not marked on the map. Only 1.4 metres square
and 1 metre high, it looks like a small chamber of a court-tomb
- or else it is a megalithic kist...?

photo by Tom FourWinds
~ 10 km
WSW is the fine tomb at Baur South.
M 236 003
Sheet 51
to the carved stones at Newgrange, this is the most-photographed
megalith in Ireland. It is a fine tomb set on the limestone
pavement to the E of the road from Killinaboy to Ballyvaughan,
in the centre of a low round cairn. The entrance faces N and
is marked by a low sill-stone. The thin roofslab, lifted to
a height of 1.8 metres by imposing slab-like portal-stones,
is tilted at the usual portal-tomb angle.
The tomb has recently been repaired after damage similar to
that at Ballyganner South (above).
1.7 km S in Poulawack (R 233 988), and close to the
more-visible Poulawack cairn (excavated and found to
have been built in two phases: c.3350 and c.2000 BCE) is a rath
and complex, accessible souterrain,.

km NNE is Cahercashlaun cliff-fort, a roughly-oval 'cashel'
also containing a souterrain,
and an outer defensive wall on the NE side. The entrance is
a natural cleft in the limestone, and was originally roofed
with slabs.
~ 1.6
km NNW (M 230 022) is a wedge-tomb in Gleninsheen - a
small, box-like tomb resembling a stone kist whose E end is
now open.

of two other wedge-tombs stand nearby, one of which is just
100 metres to the E and consisting of one upright side stone,
another one flat
on the ground, and
two oddly pointed overlapping stones that would have closed
the (higher) west end.

R 068 985
Sheet 51
is only a handful of court-tombs in Clare. This tomb sits in
a hollow, beyond which is a view down to the sea. Two large
chambers are entered through the remains of a court, whose tall
portals and part of the left side survive.